Make your house is mosquito free

  • In winter, mosquito breeding increases. Using spray and mosquito turtles, and how many mosquitoes can be saved from mosquitoes. It is not possible to sit inside the mosque again. So follow the natural method to chase mosquitoes.

    Mosquitoes generally prefer hot weather. If there is a sultry wind, then there is no word. So try to keep your home always cold. Mosquitoes will be reduced considerably.
    Mosquitoes do not like perfume. So you can give air freshener to the house before going to sleep at night. Apart from using perfumes in your body, you will get better results.

    There are certain colors that attract mosquitoes. So if you want to survive mosquitoes, you will have to avoid this interesting color. Studies have shown that mosquitoes prefer blue, red and black color. So, before going to sleep at night, avoid these three colors. Get rid of mosquitoes.
    Sometimes there is no mosquito coil or spray in the house. If you want to take immediate action, cut the lemon into the house halfway. Now put a lot of cloves in the lemon cut space. Keep the lemons in the house where mosquito infestation is high. The mosquitoes run away.

    There is a kind of grass tree called 'lemon grass'. One kind of intense odor is lemon gram. The odor that can not bear the spices again. So if there are trees in the house, the mosquitoes will be far away. These trees can be planted in the soil.

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